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Setting new standards in product
information management

innovation in

As a global leader in warehouse automation systems, Knapp is a pivotal player in today's retail landscape, where warehouse automation is a crucial key to the just-in-time and next-day delivery services that define our modern era of high availability. With robotic technologies already operating at the edge of their capabilities, the real performance improvements now lie in the finer details that make all the difference.

Enhancing the quality of product information required for robotic operations is one of these critical areas. By improving this aspect, we can unlock the next level of efficiency and performance, enabling robots to operate at speeds previously only theoretically possible, but now within practical reach.

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Establishing the
Next Standard in
Automation Data

In today's society, as in the realm of precisely operating automated warehouse systems, data reigns as the ultimate currency. The knowledge of exact measurements and consistency of products is crucial for robots to unleash their full potential. However, current standards of product information fall short, with variations occurring from one production batch to another. Genomix emerges as a comprehensive ecosystem, designed to establish a new data standard.

It is capable of intelligently connecting and sharing insights across different warehouses, enhancing the speed and efficiency of warehouse automation by up to 15%. As Knapp's co-development partner from the outset, we are at the forefront of pioneering this transformative journey in product automation data.

Product Data
with End-to-End

In the realm of data-driven automation, the true stars are the products themselves, along with their surrounding cases and pallets, which form the bedrock of high-quality automation data. Genomix begins at this fundamental level - with an easy-to-use handheld application, warehouse workers effortlessly follow a 'teach-in' procedure, capturing essential product data such as surface properties and coating behavior. Measurements are efficiently conducted using a fully integrated scan table. This process significantly reduces the time typically required for data optimization, yet the data is ready in real-time to sync with the production line. This gives robots all the necessary parameters for the most efficient picking and handling, streamlining the entire warehouse operation."

BFull data
and exchange

The robust core system of Genomix is designed to enable the generated product data to interact flawlessly with on-site automation robot settings, providing all the necessary data for high-performance product commissioning. Integrated control systems, including light measurement units and scales, continuously verify the accuracy of this data. Anomalies, such as variations in production batches, are detected instantly and fed back into the system as enhanced information.

Beyond process optimization, the system is also adept at predicting potential enhancements in similar product groups by analyzing patterns and characteristics. This capability readies Genomix to share data and insights with other warehouses, creating a self-learning ecosystem that continually enhances data quality and effectiveness.


Genomix stands as a significant milestone in enhancing the efficiency of warehouse operations in two critical aspects – optimizing operational speed and capacity, as well as significantly reducing the environmental footprint. These notable achievements are just two of the many reasons why Genomix has been recognized and awarded twice as 'Product of the Year' and as a leading IoT solution. The accolades underscore its impact in transforming industry standards, showcasing its dual commitment to heightened productivity and environmental responsibility.

Setting the Next Standard
in Product Information for
Warehouse Automation